It may sound that renting a car without making use of a credit card is not practical. But there is some car renting companies that allow you to rent a car with a debit card and cash. It is true the numbers of these types of car renting companies are limited but you can if you want. Okay, let me tell you in detail.
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Choosing Company allow you to use a Debit card
Yes, there are some out there for you. Up till now, some of the car renting companies jumps into the modification of policy. The companies that used to accept only credit cards now accept debit cards. And others are coming this way soon. But car renting companies have their own different list of document submissions while you are renting a car without a credit card. The things they generally ask for are a paper of car insurance, a recent statement of your banking transaction, Social security card, and your medical history. Some companies ask for your attendance certificate from a third party.
Is it sound you are hiring an Airplane? Don’t worry I have the solution for you. Our friend at Car Rental Express is one of those, not this type creatures. Car Rental Express lets you rent a car with a cash or debit card without any complexity. Renting a car without a credit card is much easier finally!
Look at Your Car Options
Now you know renting a car without a credit card is much easier. But all the companies will allow renting any car with a debit card. They have criteria and a list of cars that are rentable without credit cards. It may happen what you need is not available on debit cards or cash payments. Be care of these companies and choose the company that lets you rent a car of your choice.
Age Requirement
Many cars renting companies do not allow people underage. They have a policy of age to be above 25 years. If you are not at that age, can you rent a car at 18? Car Rental Express gives you the opportunity to hire a car even if you are not 25. So do not just be concerned if you and your school friends are planning to go out somewhere.
Valid Driving License
It is something required everywhere and every car renting agency asks for your driving license while renting a car. One Company has the right to know if you are able to drive a car before they give their car. So be careful! Don’t forget to take your driving license before leaving home.
Requirement of Travel Plan
Car renting companies may be pretty nosy if you are hiring a car at the Airport. Some companies ask you to show proof of your returning flight out of the city. This is another area where car rental express is pretty flexible. You need to book the car 24 hours back and bring basic documents to take the car with you.