Understand The Difference Between Mediation and Collaborative Divorce

Courtroom battles are daunting. This fear of getting involved in a legal battle itself is a reason why many people do not engage in the process of divorce. This keeps them in a toxic marriage and they keep on suffering. Although you must try to get your marriage on track if things have gone out of hand, then divorce is the best option.

However, with time the legal system has evolved and new processes of divorce have come up. Today, a much better way of getting a divorce is a collaborative divorce wherein the parties agree to find the solution to the problem outside of the court. They find the solution by hiring an expert who is qualified in the field.

Collaborative Divorce

If you are planning to get a collaborative divorce with your spouse, then you must get in touch with Thompson Salinas Londergan LLP. they have a vast experience in collaborative divorce and they assure the best solution for their clients. When you and your spouse will visit them then both of you can discuss a variety of options and the one at which both agree only is concluded.

Difference between the process of mediation and collaborative divorce

There are a few points of difference between the process of mediation and the process of collaborative divorce. Let’s get to know about them.

Working of the process of mediation:

When you opt for mediation, then you hire a mediator who will be your guide in the whole process of divorce. They will hold meetings and help both parties to reach a divorce agreement. The mediator also holds private meetings in which each party hears their side. The mediator helps the parties reach an agreement on important issues of divorce.

The mediator in the divorce plays the role of a peacemaker. However, it is important to note that the mediator is not someone who gives legal advice to the parties. The only role of the mediator is to abate the tension that builds up between the parties. When both parties have reached an agreement on all the issues of the divorce, then the mediator drafts the official divorce settlement.

The important terms of the divorce include division of assets, alimony, child custody, etc.

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Collaborative Divorce

Working of the process of collaborative divorce:

In the case of collaborative divorce, both spouses hire their separate attorneys. The spouses will hold regular meetings with their attorneys to communicate their priorities. After these meetings, the attorneys will represent their clients. In this type of settlement, the parties also get a legal consultation from their attorneys.

In this process, you may even call an outside professional such as a professional in mental health who helps you in solving simple mental health issues and reach an agreement. When the spouses fail to reach an agreement, then they hire new experts.


Collaborative divorce is a much easier form of divorce as it does not involve courtroom drama. It is economically and mentally less exhausting than the litigation process.

Posted Under Law

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